Whether renovating an office or installing temporary wiring around theatre stages, it is common practice…
All for one and one for all! Fit for a king!

Electrical tape is an everyday object that is available in a wide variety of colours and sizes. But vinyl-based adhesive tapes are not just used by electricians or installers for insulating, bundling and marking cables and wires. With a touch of imagination, it becomes a wonderfully flexible material for artists to work with.
HellermannTyton in the Netherlands approached the Klebebande (TapeTeam) from Berlin, Germany, to produce a unique piece of Tape Art on April 27, 2016 – the “King’s Day” (Koningsdag https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Koningsdag) national holiday, where the Dutch celebrate the birth of King Willem-Alexander.
Using our range of HelaTape tapes, the Klebebande made a colourful contribution to the traditional show of “orange madness” (oranjegekte) with a stunning crown motif in reference to the Dutch royal family, the House of Orange-Nassau.
The Klebebande from Berlin is an established team of artists. Bruno, Bodo and Nikolaj create unique tableaus from different types of adhesive tape, or “tape art”. They have also developed what they call “tape mapping” – a mix of video mapping and tape art. Both forms attract a lot of attention and can be found in lobbies and open spaces across Germany and Europe – now also in the Netherlands! http://www.klebebande-berlin.com/
Click here to see the art installation in the making.
At HellermannyTyton, all our customers are kings. We offer a portfolio of cable management products for professional installers that cater for all application needs, not just all-purpose electrical tapes.
Our HelaTape range of professional electrical tapes also includes highest quality PVC tapes (HelaTape Flex) that function excellently even at lowest temperatures and prevent corrosion under damp conditions.
We also offer self-amalgamating, rubber-based tapes for high temperature usage (HelaTape Power), conductive tapes for electromagnetic insulation of electrical connections (HelaTape Shield) and versatile textile tapes ideal for temporary protecting, marking, fixing, bundling, patching and repairing (HelaTape Tex).
Not only is the work of art created with HelaTape fit for a king – our customers can be assured that they are using tape products of the highest quality.
I am looking for some option to cover my facade light wires which penetrates from External to Internal and needs to be sleeved, taped to achieve Fire Rating properties to obtain DCD approval for Facades, I beleive you have some options availa506ble in Dubai, Please contact Sathiya – 056 5063954 / Samir Mulla – 0506213861
Hello Samir Mulla, thank you for your question. In the following blog article we have the contact details of our colleague in Dubai. Please get in touch with him. https://blog.hellermanntyton.com/company/9046/middle-east
I am sure we have something appealing for your requirements. Mr. Bhattacharya surely knows about the requirements in Dubai as well,
Best regards