Electrical tape is an everyday object that is available in a wide variety of colours…
HelaTape Tex cloth tapes: versatile helpers for electricians, stagehands and artists

Whether renovating an office or installing temporary wiring around theatre stages, it is common practice in many situations to run cables right across the room. Not only does this cause disorder, it also creates trip hazards. So how can these cables be bundled tidily so that nobody gets hurt? And how can you keep track of pre-sorted cables with different separation distances and functions? HellermannTyton offers the optimal solution here: HelaTape Tex.
HelaTape Tex: tear-resistant cloth tape that can be removed without leaving any residue

HelaTape Tex woven fabric tapes are suitable for bundling, fastening, protecting and labelling wires and cable harnesses.
On smooth surfaces, the tapes can be removed without leaving any traces of residue up to two weeks later. This is thanks to the special rubber adhesive, which combines strong adhesion with easy removal.
This makes these cloth tapes particularly suitable for temporary installations in construction, on stages, or for artists. They are a great alternative to conventional ‘gaffer’ tape.
Benefits at a glance:
- High quality cloth tape on cotton basis coated with water-repellent PE surface
- The rubber-based adhesive can be removed virtually residue free from most surfaces up to two weeks later
- Available in various colours, widths and lengths
- Matt finish minimises light reflections
- Robust, quality material: thickness of 0.31 millimetres ensures stability
- Easy to tear off by hand, but extremely tear-resistant lengthwise

The tapes are available in seven different colours – black, red, green, white, blue, yellow and silver-grey. This makes it easy to separate cables of different types and functions or to categorise them accordingly. Additionally, you can simply mark or label the tapes with a pen.
HelaTape Tex cloth tapes are 0.31 millimetres thick and stand out due to their manufacturing and material quality: You can easily rip off the tape crosswise. But lengthways, the tape’s cloth fibres are extremely tear-resistant.
Avoid light reflections: HelaTape Tex cloth tape on stage
Especially when changing sets on music stages, speed is of the essence. A classic situation: everything is set up exactly according to the Technical Rider’s plan for the soundcheck of the opening act Speakers, amplifiers, the mixing desk, microphones, monitors – everything is where it belongs. All the cables are neatly and properly laid. The musicians come out on stage, the sound check can begin… Or not? No, the singer wants the speakers and the spots to be placed elsewhere. Chaos reigns, there is little time left until the soundcheck of the main act.

With HelaTape Tex, everyone is on the safe side: cables can be easily removed without leaving any residue. And it can be replaced in no time at all. The stagehands do not have to worry about reflections from the lighting system either: With the matt finish of HelaTape Tex fabric tapes, any kind of light reflections are avoided.
And should it get wild on stage later during the concert, when one or the other musician knocks over a bottle of water: HelaTape Tex tapes are sufficiently tear-resistant and also water-repellent. So can things finally get started now? They can – curtain up!
But HelaTape is not only used by electricians and on stage. Artists also love the wide range of coloured PVC tapes we offer in our professional tape range – for example street art performers. In outdoor areas they benefit from the fact that the tapes are tear-resistant, weatherproof, age-resistant and above all, water-repellent. An example of what kind of artwork can be created with HelaTape can be found here in this blog post.
Not convinced about the qualities of HelaTape Tex fabric tapes yet?
You can find an overview of the HelaTape Tex dimensions and characteristics here.

Other members of the HelaTape family for bundling, protecting or insulating cables can be found on this overview page.
Very interesting blog to read. I see my husband uses these tapes a lot, but I never knew they were so versatile. I like that you shared a blog about it, so people like me get to learn more about these things.