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How HellermannTyton MADE FOR REAL was made.

Launching a global campaign that focuses the company brand and mindset is a big undertaking for any organisation. It requires capturing the essence of the company. The result serves as a mark of quality to customers and partners and as a source of inspiration for staff. We distilled the spirit of HellermannTyton from ingredients we found across our many locations around the world. Discover what lies behind MADE FOR REAL – our powerful brand statement and new corporate communication.
MADE FOR REAL is our new corporate communication. It marks a renewal of HellermannTyton’s commitment to the values that have made the company a global leader in the manufacturing and supply of quality products for professional cable management. MADE FOR REAL motivates us to continue doing what we do best for our customers and partners form all industry sectors around the globe.
37 countries – 1 voice
How do you take HellermannTyton’s commitment to quality, added value and forward thinking and turn it into something inspirational? Something tangible that galvanises our diverse workforce in 37 locations throughout Europe, Asia and the Americas? How can we turn these fundamental aspects into a clear and simple message that communicates our dedication to providing top-quality products that help our clients meet their objectives? What is the common thread across so many cultures and customs that are as different as the people that make HellermannTyton great? In August 2016 we set out on a journey to answer these questions. At our destination we discovered MADE FOR REAL.
MADE FOR REAL wasn’t just the result of ‘the suits’ on the executive floor putting their heads together, brainstorming ideas in endless conference calls, overhauling documents and discussing minutiae into the ground. No, the best way to find out what motivates HellermannTyton as a company was to reach out to our greatest asset – our global workforce.
Acknowledging that people are our greatest asset, we asked key staff across the organisation around the world about their needs and concerns. In them we found a goldmine that most companies can only dream of tapping. All we had to do was get in touch, engage them in conversation about their needs and concerns, about our vision, then channel their feedback. Most importantly, we listened. What we heard them say with one strong, authentic voice all around the world is that we are MADE FOR REAL!
Visit this MADE FOR REAL web page for further information on HellermannTyton’s global brand campaign.
What you experience is what you get
Successful brands resonate through interaction. So we wanted to make it easy for anyone to experience just what makes HellermannTyton unique. Our new corporate film illustrates the philosophy that unites and motivates us in everything we do at HellermannTyton around the world.
It’s not every day that the 9-to-5 job is accompanied by a camera crew, but the stars of our new corporate film are homegrown. A team of 40 worked together on the film to capture the MADE FOR REAL mindset, showcase our diverse, global workforce and highlight our commitment to maintaining our leading position in the electrical, automotive and other OEM markets. But don’t take our word for it – see for yourself – watch the MADE FOR REAL film here!
Living up to our mantra
Making the film took a total team effort. And we’re really happy with the result. MADE FOR REAL is our new company philosophy and brand mindset – and it is here to stay. It’s the inspirational mantra that inspires us to create the best workplace environment for our staff. It drives us to continue inventing high-quality products for our customers. And it motivates us to continually look ahead and be proactive, not reactive. To act ahead.
Making a film is not an everyday task for most of us and the learning curve was steep – and very real! You can see the fun and excitement we had behind the scenes and how bits of the film were made in our Making of MADE FOR REAL video.
Here are some more examples of how everything we do at HellermannTyton, everything we do is MADE FOR REAL.
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