Picture this scenario: Electricians are installing exterior lighting on a new building. They’ve mounted the…
Soft and strong – special fabric tapes protect sensitive cables and reduce noise at the same time

A final test run is all that remains before a brand new manufacturing hall commences operation. But when the switch is thrown, nothing happens. The responsible electrician quickly finds the fault – damage to the insulation of cables where they enter the control panel cabinet. In this article you’ll discover a simple and cost-effective way of guarding against such mishaps: fabric tapes from HellermannTyton’s HelaTape Protect range of technical tapes.
Electrical installers often use ducts and conduits made of hard plastic to protect sensitive cables from rough edges. But these materials are not pliable enough for panel builders and take up too much space in control cabinets where every millimetre counts. Retrospective installing of edge protection in completed panels is a real challenge. That’s where three products from HellermannTyton’s HelaTape range of professional tapes come in: HelaTape Protect adhesive fabric tapes are soft and pliable, yet tough enough to protect sensitive cable insulation from wear and tear.
HelaTape Protect: Decades of successful road testing in automotive cable harnesses
HelaTape Protect fabric tapes are ideal for wrapping cables where they enter electrical cabinets or bend in doorjambs. These specialised polyester (PET) tapes are more flexible and take up much less space than conventional protective conduits and are more durable than vinyl (PVC) tapes. Wiring harness makers in the automotive sector have been using fabric tapes to impede noise and protect against vibration abrasion for years.
HellermannTyton has three fabric tapes in its portfolio, each with a different combination of properties designed to deliver optimal protection in a variety of scenarios.
An all-round fabric tape for bundling and protecting wires against stress: HelaTape Protect 180
HelaTape Protect 180 is a high-quality polyester fabric tape that is highly resistant to mechanical stress. The material is very flexible, but can easily be torn off by hand. This tape has a proven track record in resistance to ageing and rotting. Furthermore, with its smooth, repellent surface, HelaTape Protect 180 protects against dirt and fuels.
The best tape for extremes of temperature: HelaTape Protect 250
HelaTape Protect 250 is a high-temperature polyester tape that remains stable at temperatures ranging from -40 °C to +150 °C. The special acrylate-based adhesive is characterised by its high level of heat and media resistance. The tape has a high breaking strength and provides excellent protection against abrasion, but it is also flexible and easy to handle.
The best tape combining noise reduction and protection: HelaTape Protect 300
HelaTape Protect 300 is a soft polyester-fleece adhesive tape and – at 0.3 mm – the thickest in the Protect range. The adhesive is based on synthetic rubber and provides good heat and media resistance. The soft material is very flexible and tearable by hand. Noise reduction characteristics are excellent and it is highly resistant to abrasion.
Reducing noise in washing machines and other appliances
In addition to automotive harness makers and panel builders, product engineers from all industries are discovering the advantages of using HelaTape Protect fabric tapes. In the area of white goods, for example, noise-reducing properties are helping appliance manufacturers to meet consumer demand for quieter washing machines that don’t rattle when they enter their spin cycle.
One leading washing machine manufacturer is bundling the cables around the washing drum with HelaTape Protect 300. The simple solution achieves two things at once: The soft surface of the fabric tape dampens the effects of vibration on the cables and also reduces the noise when the cables move. They wiring is less susceptible to damage as a consequence.
Do let us know in the comment box below where you are using HelaTape products so that others can benefit from your experience!